DVDs....hell yes.
If you're gonna buy media, why not truly own it?
I apply that approach to games and films alike.
Non-physical purchases put you in a vulnerable position.
After all, you've gotta download it from somewhere.
And when that somewhere doesn't let you in anymore, then...
...Say farewell to your library.
Plus, you can't lend JUST that film to someone!
On that note, here is my treasured assortment.

If you somehow haven't seen this yet: you need to fling that rock off your back and make way for it ASAP.
Invite your friends. Get the lighting just perfect. Sound levels all sorted.
This deserves the utmost respect you could possibly give to a form of media.

A film all about tanukis? Hell yeah! Don't let that PG rating fool you though, it's hilariously inappropriate for kids.
I'm guessing the board saw the artstyle, said "PSSHH cartoons are BABBY" and then called it a day.
Great work guys - I'm sure the "pouch" (NUTSACK) swinging and deaths will go down fine with parents.
Obviously nobody else is going to call this their favourite Ghibli film, so guess what? Yeah, it's MY favourite Ghibli film! What now?!

Ain't often you see 3D animation so gritty n dirty. This masterpiece pulls it off beautifully.
I don't know much about films of the Western genre but I'm going to assume this is amongst the best within it.

Did the main plot feat. dubious age gap age horribly? Oh absolutely.
That isn't to say the film doesnt have a hundred redeeming qualities.
And kicks total ass.

A whimsically animated, very French tale of a grandmother rescuing her son from the French mafia.
She is aided by her sort-of-loyal pooch Bruno and the titular triplets - once-famous stars past their prime.
There's little to no dialogue in this, but the subtitled version is still recommended for additional context.
Fun fact: Sylvian Chomet, the director, did a Simpsons couch gag for "Diggs".
Oh also there might be bare boobs in the first 5 minutes... it's a reference.